July 22, 2020 - Announcement regarding the selection procedure in view of registration in the list of auditors for the BSR exercise launched by ASF and EIOPA.
ASF and EIOPA announced the launching of a Balance Sheet Review of the Romanian insurance market. The objective of the exercise is to facilitate the deeper knowledge of the risks and vulnerabilities in the Romanian insurance sector.
Independent external reviewers shall carry out procedures of an audit nature as described in a methodology (published here ) and report on the factual findings and on their conclusions over the findings.
Considering that ASF will approve a list of independent external reviewers to conduct the reviews, ASF invites the financial consultancy and audit firms interested in participating in this review, and that fulfil the eligibility criteria, to submit proposals until August 11, 2020, at email address bsr@asfromania.ro.
Details regarding the review, criteria, and the necessary documentation are available here.
ASF will publish until August 27, 2020, the list of the selected eligible auditors.